The P.G.Bleazey drive train upgrade kit uses inserts in the Centa coupling of modified shape to reduce the free play. The shock absorption is achieved by distortion of the inserts not by rolling action.
The amount of distortion can be controlled by changing the shape of cut outs in the inserts and also by changing the hardness of the polyurethane material from which they are made. The ones used in
the P.G.Bleazey drive train upgrade kit are true prisms and do not allow for misalignment, this function is not needed in the Morgan three wheeler application.
The P.G.Bleazey drive train upgrade kit contains an extension for the shaft which supports the centre rotor in the Centa coupling, this extension runs in a plain bearing. The bearing is mounted in a carrier
which fits within the Centa coupling outer rotor. The intermediate shaft is thus supported at both ends and provides a much more rigid, true running, unit.
The P.G.Bleazey drive train upgrade kit also comes with a complete set of bevel box mountings. There are three of them which satisfactorily secure the bevel box in all of the twelve planes / axes of
movement. The bevel box mounts are clamped to the chassis to enable fitting without the need for welding and they avoid the need to grind away the residue of the old, original rigid bevel box mounts.
Neither welding nor grinding are desirable in close proximity to petrol pipes! The mountings for the bevel box are isolated from the chassis with polyurethane linings in all of the fixing clamps to reduce the
transmission of bevel box noise to the chassis.
The P.G.Bleazey drive train upgrade kit can be installed by any competent motor mechanic, professional or experienced amateur. It comes with a full installation manual on USB micro chip memory.
I am also available, within the limits of my daily life, to give advice via e-mail or telephone to anyone with installation problems.
The P.G.Bleazey drive train upgrade kit comes complete with a tested lifting bracket for attachment to the engine.
The P.G.Bleazey drive train upgrade kit does not require any alteration of the vehicle and can be removed and replaced by the original equipment, not that I can foresee anyone wanting to but this
may bring peace of mind to the sceptical.
The P.G.Bleazey drive train upgrade kit can be described for insurance purposes as not being performance enhancing but merely comfort enhancing.